Markdown Gmail

Hi Guys,

Today, markdown laravel 7 mail is our main topic. i explained simply step by step markdown laravel 7 email. you can see laravel 7 markdown components. let’s discuss about laravel 7 send email mailable. Alright, let’s dive into the steps.

I will exmplain how to send mail using markdown example in laravel 7.we will show example of send mail using markdown in laravel 7.Sending email is a primary feature of each project i think. So i would like to share with you how to send mail using markdown mailable class in laravel 7 app. we will send mail using mailable class in laravel 7. basically we will use Markdown email template in laravel 7.

Markdown Here allows you to write complex email in simple text, never taking your hands off the keyboard. When you're finished, just one click of your mouse will make your email ready to send. You write your email in something called 'Markdown', which. What is Markdown? Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a.

The markdown themes generator functionality can still be used, however Laravel made it a lot easier to see an email template in your browser without sending it. You can still use this website to generate your own custom themes;) Show mails in Laravel.

Laravel Markdown provides components, tables, email link, button, embed image etc. Markdown beautiful layout you can use with email template.

Markdown In Gmail


I am going to tell you how to send simple email with gmail smtp configuration using laravel 7 mailable class. It is very simple and best way. you have to just follow few step and you will get simple mail send example in your laravel 7 application.

Follow bellow step of send mail using markdown example in laravel.

Step: 1 Install Laravel 7

In this step, if you haven't laravel 7 application setup then we have to get fresh laravel 7 application. So run bellow command and get clean fresh laravel 7 application


After you have to add send mail configuration with mail driver, mail host, mail port, mail username, mail password so laravel 7 will use those sender details on email. So you can simply add as like following.


Step 2: Create Mailable Class with Markdown

Laravel 7 introduce new mailable class that way we can use simply like laravel event, you can re-use anywhere in your laravel application. So first create Mailable class using artisan command, so fire bellow command:

Now you can see new file in your app(app/Mail/MyTestMail.php) folder. So, open that file and put bellow code.


Step 3: Create Route

In this step, we will add new route for out testing mail so open your web route file and add bellow route.


Markdown Gmail

Step 4: Create Controller Method

Now, we will add myTestMail() in 'HomeController' Controller file, in this file we will write code of mail send, so if you haven't created HomeController then create HomeController.php file and put bellow code.

In $myEmail variable, you can set your own email for testing mail.



Step 5: Add View File

In last step, we will create email template file, so first create 'emails' folder in your resources folder and create myTestMail.blade.php file and put bellow code.


Markdown Email Link

Now we are ready to run our example so run bellow command ro quick run:

Now you can open bellow url on your browser:

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