Sedna is a trans-neputian dwarf planet located in the Oort cloud and is one of the most distant known objects in the solar system. It is not officially recognized as a dwarf planet..yet.
(Sedna orbits the Sun at such a great distance that Sol appears as a bright point, like a star. On March 26, 2014, astronomers announced the discovery of another dwarf planet in a highly eccentric orbit like Sedna. Designated 2012 VP113, the object comes no closer than 80 AUs to the Sun but ranges out as far as 452 AUs. Is parallels for mac good.
Sedna Moons
- Mass (kg)
- 1e+21
- Radius (km)
- 995
- With an orbit taking 11,400 years to complete, many scientists believe that Sedna was actually captured from a passing solar system by our Sun's gravity, or even that its orbit may be evidence for a large planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.
- Sedna location and eccentric orbit are such that it is not supposed to be there 5-10. Therefore a physical explanation of why Sedna is located there can be a good st art to begin to search the.
- The extremely elliptical orbit of Sedna is unlike anything previously seen by astronomers; however, it resembles that of objects predicted to lie in the hypothetical Oort cloud. The cloud is thought to explain the existence of certain comets. It is believed to surround the Sun and extend outward halfway to the star closest to the Sun.
- In the second panel, Sedna is shown well outside the orbits of the outer planets and the more distant Kuiper Belt objects. Sedna's full orbit is illustrated in the third panel along with the object's current location. Sedna is nearing its closest approach to the Sun; its 10,000-year orbit typically takes it to far greater distances.

- Density (gm/cm3)
- 2.0
- Avg. Distance from sun (km)
- 75,696,523,000

- Rotational period (days)
- 0.4
- Orbital period (years)
- 11,400
- Orbital velocity (km/sec)
- 1.04
- Eccentricity of orbit
- 0.85
- Tilt of axis (°)

- Inclination of orbit (°)
- 11.9
Sedna Orbital Speed
- Surface gravity (m/sec2)
- 0.27
- Escape velocity (km/sec)
- 0.52
- Albedo
- 0.32
- Magnitude (Vo)
- 21
- Surface temperature
- -260°C
- Moons
- 0
Eris And Sedna Orbit
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