Dragon Speech Medical

Dragon for Windows

Dragon Medical Speech Engine Error 166

Dragon Speech Medical
Dragon for Windows




Up to 99% speech recognition accuracy right out of the box
Create, format and edit documents just by speaking
Create email and search the Web faster than ever using simple voice commands
Built on 'Deep Learning' speech engine that continuously adjusts to your voice
Listen back to dictated text
Optimised for touchscreen devices
Create and edit your spreadsheets with full text control in Microsoft Excel
Create custom voice commands for standard texts
Import/export custom word lists for your sector
Turn recordings into editable text
Automatically transcribe your recordings
Sync customizations with the Dragon Anywhere mobile app
Combine with the Nuance PowerMic for ease-of-use
Network managed licenses and volume discounts
Integrated legal terms specifically for legal professionals

As previously stated, Nuance is clearly gouging medical professionals for what is essentially the same software as the Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium or Legal editions. The fact that the Premium Edition is selling for $175, the legal edition for $500, and the medical edition for $1000 to $1600 is absurd.

Dragon Speech Medical

Dragon Speak Medical

  1. Nuance Dragon Medical One is a secure, cloud‑based speech platform for physicians and other clinicians to securely document complete patient care in the EHR.
  2. Try the speech focus feature. This lets users dictate in one application while opening and closing others. To access it, click the blue Dragon Medical One button and go to options, then general, then check the box that says “anchor the speech focus when recording is started.” Click “apply all” and close. Add words you commonly use.