Ideas for this page include sample macros and a manual in and of itself...
Maybe we could write a macro manual.... if we did it'd go something like this:
Macros are little snippets of text that allow a person to save typing or trigger complex actions with the click of a button or press of a key. Why would anyone want to use macros? Well when you have to type out /action smiles. for the 50th or 500th time you'll wish you could just type sm to smile. Or let's say you always equip your shield when you equip your sword. Normally you'd have to type /equip long sword. and then /equip wooden shield. With a macro you could simply press F7 and equip and/or — if you get fancy — unequip your sword and wooden shield.
- A guide to healer pets in the world of Clan Lord. Visit for information about the game, or for any CL questions, visit http://w.
- In addition to the clan chief, the clan nobility and leading gentry were individuals with responsibilities and influence within the clan system. For example, certain people in the leading gentry were responsible for bringing up the children of the clan. Within the clan, a chief would encourage members to marry each other to keep the bloodline pure.
The Sitri Clan is one of the remaining 32 Devil clans of the 72 Pillars and one of the highest-ranking (ranking at Prince), and famous, Devil families. While not much is known about the incumbent head of the house, it has been revealed that the next head is Sona Sitri. After her father started to show symptoms of the Sleep Disease, the current Head was forced to step down, making Sona the new. Clan Lord doesn't emphasize levels or titles, since your abilities depend not only on how much experience you've earned, but also on how you trained and on your own playing (fighting, healing, etc.) strategies. Oct 28, 2020 Adds a new Lord; 'Loykin' to the Clan; Polovtoving. Fixes the Lady; Nizvan from the clan; Teyjit to be only the ex wife of Teyju. She is now the new wife and the dead lady; Yaznam is the ex wife.
- 3Premade Macros
- 4Types of Macros
- 4.3Key Macros
- 5Macro Syntax
- 5.2Where to use Quotes
- 6Variables
- 7Conditional Arguments (If)
- 11Examples
- 13Delta Tao’s Clan Lord Scripting Policy
- 13.6Exceptions
Existing Macros
Before you start writing macros, check your default file for the premade ones included. Here are a few more common ones included by default:
Installing and Troubleshooting Macros
To install macros in a separate file, you simple add the name of the file in quotes (inch marks technically, not actual quotes) to the character’s macro file or the default macro file after the include keyword, and reload your macros. example: include 'my_macro.txt'For full info and steps see Installing Macros.
For help in Troubleshooting macros see the linked page.
Premade Macros
Modified Nightbird Trainer Messages Macro
I have modified and updated Nightbird’s Trainer Messages Macro that translates trainer progress messages to rank ranges to show a message in the sidebar rather than ponder ranges. I also added in the messages past 2249 rank range.
Link to Build a Healing Macro
Healers can try Moonstone Functions and use the script that customizes Moonstone Functions at Quik’NDirtyMFMacro on NoiNet if you want to heal yourself easier. Now as of version 2.8.5 it automatically changes your icon to armed or unarmed and you can set Function keys (F9-F12 by default) to heal specific exiles quickly.
link to Gorvin’s Dynamic Share Cads
If you're looking for Dynamic Share Cads where you automatically share a healer who is cadding you, you can get it here: Gorvin's Macros This macro is very useful on large hunts with more than 5 healers.
Sunstone/Crystal/Gem Macro
All Exiles with sunstones, suncrystals and sungems might want to get the tc_macro v2.5.8 to allow you to more conveniently use the devices easier. This macro uses a textlog scanner to work so you might wish to add the line: @login call GoScan to your default macros file.
Ranger Macros
might want to check out this basic ranger macro that covers shield stone, belt of the wild and heartwood charm use, as well as conveniences for /judge and /reflect.
Armor Macro
If you have armor you can try this set of armor macros.
Share Group: Quickly share a list of exiles
Not so new, but useful, is Shares.txt ThankGroup macro, which was split off from ThankGroup. It allows you to share multiple people by simply typing each name in one line with no spaces. i.e. sh noivad elenis talin silky creed. Note you may have to disable the default 'sh' that triggers /share The Thank function works in conjuction auoadding people shared like this to your thanklist. Or typing /thga <name> [simplename] [simplyname] etc. to add people to your thank group. then call it manually by typing /tn [message], or activate it to autothank people on the list every few minutes by typing /ath [message]. I recently Ironed a few bugs in this so, update this macro if you already downloaded it.
Kudzu Macros
People who want to plant Kudzu will want to check out the omega zu macro 4 (4.0b10 as of 20100318). This is a beta, but on limited testing it works well. It also swaps bags but there is no longer a delay in planting as in version 3. It now detects if you didn't plant a seed because your inventory is full without looking at the text log. This macro is about as low latency as I you can get for the features.
Other Macros
Check out Macros Contributed for other macros people have made. Feedback for macros is appreciated. If you have and want to edit it, feel free so long as you test your edits. If you do not have an account, you can request one.
Macros On The Sentinel
Share macros on [The Sentinels CL Macros] and mark if you’d like it add to the CLUMP (or request an account to post your own).
Types of Macros
There are three types of macros: text replacement macros that trigger while the person is still inputting text into the text box and,text expression macros that trigger when a person hits the return key and,key macros that trigger when one hits a key (or keys) .

Replacement Macros
Replacement macros are the simplest, and are defined by placing the text you want to trigger the replacement between single quotes, with the text you wish to have in replaced with in double quote after it. For instance 'zu' 'Kudzu' would make it so anytime you typed the word 'zu' it would be replaced in the text input box with 'kudzu.'
Expression macros
Expression macros replace what you type in the text box with whatever text or actions you define. Once the return key is pressed the macro engine takes over and inputs what you specify within the body of the macro. This can be one line or many lines. These could be simple actions such as 'wave' could be replaced with '/action waves and smiles at ' 'r' or it could be replaced with this slightly more complex macro:
Using the above macro, let's say Manx typed out:
it would be replaces with this in the action text box:
and 3 second later:
Key Macros

Key macros are those that are triggered by hitting one of more keys. this can be:
to plant a kudzu seedling from a kudzu bag to
Valid Trigger Keys
- examples included...
The function keys (F1 through F15)
- F3 call heal1

command-any key
- command-s '/pose sit r'
option-any key (only on the Mac, not valid on windows)
- option-l '/pose lie r'
control-any key
- control-d call dance1
alt-any key (only on windows?)
- alt-F3 '/equip dagger r'
shift-any key (useful for windows - use with care, may have unintended consequences)
- shift-9 call plantzu
click (this is a mouse button click)
control-click (right-click on the Mac)
click2 (right-click on Windows)
wheelup (wheel on a mouse, scrolling up)
wheeldown (wheel on a mouse, scrolling down)
The following work when NumLock is on.(Note: '*' and '/' do not work as valid triggers on the Windows.)
numpad-1 (or any number from 0-9, or */-+. on numpad)
- numpad-- call dance2
alt-numpad-1 (or any number from 0-9, or */-+. on numpad)
- alt-numpad-5 '/pose surpr'
control-numpad-1 (or any number from 0-9, or */-+. on numpad)
- control-numpad-/ call dance3
- control numpad-6 call dance6
Macro Syntax
One of the toughest things to understand when learning a language is the proper syntax. For some reason a lot of manuals and books assume you'll pick up the proper syntax through example. However, this is hit and miss. If someone doesn't know why they are putting quote before some triggers and not others, they could very easily make the mistake of putting them in the wrong place, or not including them at all. So, before we delve into the real nitty gritty of Clan Lord's macro language, We will cover proper syntax, and a bit.
First, things first: the macro language (and any almost every programming/scripting language out there) is structured to take the word or key press that triggers the action first then reads the commands that follow the trigger. For one command macros, you can simply put a few spaces between the trigger and the command.
for macros with more than one command you have to put a return between each command because the macro language can only take one command per line. In order for the macro interpreter to know where one multi-line macro ends and another one starts, you have to put curly braces '{}' around all the lines of the macro, each brace goes on a line of its own as shown:
Where to use Quotes
Next quotes are used around two things in the macro language, and depending on where they are their meaning changes. either they are used around text that's intended as the trigger, or they are used around text you wish to have output to the text bubble/box over your character's head or output to your message sidebar, verbatim. That's why, for instance, if you want to be able to select a character (by command-clicking on them), let's say Andarius, and then simply type hi to say something, in addition to 'Hi' you'd put quote around
and around
which outputs
Note that the reserved variable doesn't have quotes around it. This is because if it did, type it out as
the output to your text bubble would look like this:
Instead we terminate the quoted string with a quote after a space* and then use the r that translates into a return, as if you hit the return key.
Also note that the r must be within double quotes as in this example:
The importance of Spaces
- Without the space the output would read like this: HelloAndarius. Fancy weather we're having today. If that was a command instead of 'hi,' you would generate an error. i.e:
and typing aa eats a piece of breadwould generate this error message in your message sidebar:
Escape Sequences
An escape sequence is used to stop the macro interpreter from translating a character as a reserved character. For instance, the quote mark is reserved to define the start and end of literal text input or output from the CL client. But what if someone wants to macro something that has quote marks in the text output:
Macroing without an escape sequence before the quote mark
would generate this:
along with a quote mark in your text box.You should instead use this to generate the correct line of text:
which would output this: you should read the scroll entitled 'Macros'for all your macro questions.
Also, if you precede a regular character with a backslash, the macro interpreter treats that character as a one of the special characters. r is equivalent to pressing the return key. There are no other documented escape sequences for regular characters. {If someone has a list please send it to noivad.}

you declare variables before you first use them by using the set command. if a variable is declared inside a macro, that variable is local and is not passed to other macros or functions in the game. They only exist as long as the macro is running. Thus a simple loop for scanning the text log could have i meaning the counter while in another macro i could be used as a holder for the current inventory item. In the following example neither variable i interferes with each other because both are local to the macro they reside in:
Global variables are declared outside any macro or function and can be accessed by any macro or function once set. The only time a global variable is reset to its initial declared value is when the macros are reloaded which is each time you connect to the server and whenever you choose Reload Macros from the Options menu. For instance let's say you have a macro that constantly heals you when you have a moonstone equipped:
However let's say you want to be able to active /sleep and not have you moonstone interrupt your sleep. All you would need to do is add a global variable declaration outside the /sleep and healing loop macros, and refer to it to see if you should use your moonstone. To set a global variable inside a macro you type setglobal <global variable name>:
Now whenever you enter sl your character will sleep and the gSleepToggle variable will be set to 1. When the healing loop looks checks to see if it should execute the commands it will see that the global variable is set to 1, and not execute the commands. However when you press F4 the gSleepToggle global variable will change back to 0 and the commands in the if statement will execute.
Reserved Variables
There are certain predefined variables in the macro language that allow you to get information from the client as to the current state of things in the game. A brief description of each follows:
@env Variables are variables with an @env prefix to control how macros execute.
- @env.echo (true/false) After any r in a macro, replaces the text in the input box by the text that was sent by the macro. for instance if your trigger was /snooze and in the macro '/action Zzzzz....r' was what was sent my the macro you set @env.echo to be true after you typed /snooze the text input box would have /action Zzzzz....r. in it. if you do not define this variable in a macro the default @env.echo is false.
- @env.debug (true/false) gives extra information on macro loading and execution.This is useful when you're debugging a macro.
- @env.key_interrupts (true/false) If this is true a macro stops executing when a key is pressed. If it's false then a macro will keep executing while the person presses keys on the keyboard.
- @env.click_interrupts (true/false) stops executing a macro when you click in the graphics pane of the game window (where clicks move your character).
Clan Lord Bestiary
- @env.TextLog is the last line of text in the log window. Textlog scanning is a controversial command because of it's power. One could write a macro that scanned the text log every frame and if a certain phrase was present they could have their character do something in response to it.* See Delta Tao’s Clan Lord Script Policy below for guidelines for this variable’s acceptable use.
@my Variables are variables that concern your character.
- is used to insert your name into a macro command, that way if you have multiple characters and you want one macro to make them do something with their name in it, or to check if they are the selected player you can include it in your default file instead of writing two duplicate macros:
- @my.simple_name is the same as except it has no spaces or punctuation.
- @my.right_item is the name of the item in your right hand.
- @my.left_item is the name of the item in your left hand.
- @my.forehead_item is the name of the item on your forehead.
- @my.[slot]_item is the name of the item in the slot named. (Torso, Legs, Shoulder, Neck, Finger, Hand, Head, etc.)
- is used to make the target of a macro the selected player. (You can select a player by command-clicking on them or by typing /select <name>.)
@click Variables are variables that concern what was clicked on in a CL Window.
- is the complete name of the exile clicked on in the Players Window.
- @click.simple_name is the name of the exile clicked on in the Players window, without spaces or punctuation.
Miscellaneous Variables
- @text is the complete text in the panel. For instance if you had a macro that was triggered by typing /set and you enter /set verbose on, then @text would equal verbose on.
- @textsel is the selected text in the panel. this works exactly the same as @text but it only includes the words highlighted.
- @first, @last, @prev, and @next are variables that represent player names on the current player list and can be used with the /select command. /select @first will select the first name in the player window, and /select @last will select the last name. If a player is already selected, /select @prev and /select @next will select the previous player and the next player on the list, respectively.
Conditional Arguments (If)
now macros that execute pre-planned actions are fine, but sometimes you want to add a little intelligent behavior to your macro. (In programming circles this is called Logic.) So, you use an if statement to test whether the following is true. If it is not the code between the end if, next else or else if statement is not executed.
An if statement can be as simple as 3 lines. The opening if test, the command you wish to execute if it is true and the closing end if statement to let the interpreter know the next statements are not conditional, and should be run no matter what. All If statements must include an end if at the end even if there are no lines following the if test.
If you want to test multiple conditions from the same information you use the else if statement. That way you don't have a lot of single 'if ... end if statements and you don't run the risk of executing multiple commands that could contradict each other and give you unexpected results. For instance. Let's say you want a one key macro to swap your weapon with your purse. You would have to use an else if statement so you didn't test each case individually and always wind up with the second item listed equipped.
Also if you have multiple else ifs that can evaluate to be true, only the first true result is parsed. So, if you ask if x is greater than 10 and then ask if x is greater than 20 and the number x equals 23, then only the first part of the if statement is executed. There are several ways aroundf this problem, but the easiest is to test the most restrictive condition first. This would be the proper way to write this macro:
Now when a number greater than 20 is compared, only command 1 is executed.
Notice there is no else statement in the above example. If you don't want anything to happen if nothing is true you can simply omit the else statment. The reason in this case is if you have something like your chain equipped and you accidentally hit F4, instead of your chain macro on F5, you don't unchain people you're trying to rescue.
Comparison Operators
A very common macro is a chain macro. But how do you test to see if you do not have your chain equipped? or how do you test if one number is greater than or less than another? or if a phrase appears in the text you're comparing. Simply use the proper operators.
- means equal to
- != means not equal to
- < means less than or when you're comparing text it tests to see if the phrase is in the text.
- > means greater than
* See Delta Tao’s Clan Lord Script Policy below for guidelines for acceptable use of Loops. Loops are sections of code that you wish to repeat either a set number of times or infinitely. You may wish to scan the people clanning automatically when you log in for friend you can share with, and instead of typing
over and over for each could start a loop by first labeling the part you want the loop to start at, and then at the end of the commands you want r-executed, you type goto and the name of the label.
The above loop will execute as long as the macros are allowed to run.* In order to control the number of time the loop repeats you include a counter declared outside the loop, & increment the counter inside the loop and test the counter to see if it is less than the maximum number of loops you wish to make. For instance let's say you want to info everyone playing in the game with one command.
The fact that you can name labels almost anything means you can have multiple labels all leading to other part within the same macro. To go to another function use call <function name>
*Note: There are certain snells, such as the jail and the hospital where all macros are stopped by the client. In those cases you want to put your macros that are called at login in another manually triggered macro.
functions look exactly like macros, except there are no quote around the trigger word. They are activated by other macros using the call command.
The above example is very simple and not really deserving of a independent function, unless you want other ways to trigger your macro. For instance, in the following typing either /sleep or sl will accomplish the same goal:
This is done so if you want to change your macros operation and there multiple triggers for it in your macros you only have to change one thing and not the same thing in multiple places.
Arrays are essentially lists of similar types of things. Instead of declaring a variable such as ExileOne, ExileTwo, etc to build a list, you declare and array Exile[1], Exile[2]. This makes handling list of things much easier because you can make a loop and advance the number that points to the entry in the list to advance to the next item to process that as well. You could even make a conditional statement that tests every item in the list and only activates on the ones you are looking for:
Arrays are simple to make, basically you take a variable name (that is not reserved) and place the element number in the array in square brackets [x] that you wish to access.for instance, the following makes a list out of exiles entered after the macro trigger by looping through the list of words and then advancing the pointer by one. When the point is not less than or equal to the number of words, the loop is exited and a sidebar message informs you that the list is built. A concrete example of using this to make a shares list is in the Shares macro :
if you added that to your macro file, reloade your macros or logged in and then tpye /adex Melben Creed Fiona Hoggle Natas and hit enter the macro would build a list with Melben as item 0 in the array and continuing until it reache Natas at the end of the list in position 4 in the array.
Also you could retrieve that list with another macro that stepped through each item and output it. This is a shorten, and simplified version of my share list macro. The full version is in Shares.mac:
Some of these Example Macros are taken directly from my macros.
control-click '/pull ' 'r' //This is a right click on mac
control-option-click '/push ' 'r'
Control-Click Select Exile Macro
Equip/Unequip Right Macro
A Quick EPS Macro
A Quick Chaining Macro
Sleep Macro
'u' '/use ' @splayer 'r'
'uu' '/use ' @splayer 'r'
'uuu' '/use ' @splayer 'r'
'uuuu' '/use ' @splayer 'r'
Blood Mage's Feign Death
Basic Ranger Macro
see Rangery.
for Shieldstone Macro see Shieldstone page
Set Variables Macro
Clan Lord Reverse Engineered
This macro is a pretty simple macro, but gives you an idea of what more involved macros do. This is an actual macro that I use to remind myself of my own macro commands available (similar to clan lord's built in macro help, using the same syntax) as well as a short help message (activated by /set <command> ?) if needed. Note the use of the @text.word array (which is the automatically generated and filled with each word you enter in the text box. As always the first word after the trigger is actually zero 0 not 1.
Torin's Exile Picker Macro
Continued Reading
For more information on macros see the Macro Information section on the links page.
If you want to go straight to the GM’s mouth check out Official Macro Manual on the Tao Clan Lord Section
For more example macros and ideas for organizing your own, see Macros Contributed.
Clan Lords
For help with errors or problems with macros, see Troubleshooting macros.
I would reocmmend reading this to be aware of DT’s stated policy regarding Macros. Be especially aware of any macros that give the character a benefit without any intervention of the clicker. Clickers using auto hunting and auto healing macros have been punished for running automatic, beneficial macros and made examples of more than once. This Section is from Delta Tao’s Site for the Acceptable uses of macros. No content has been changed, and it is here solely to make finding this information quick and easy. Delta Tao remains the copyright holder of this policy text.START DELTA TAO SCRIPTING GUIDELINES.
Overall Guidelines
If you, the human, are paying attention to what's going on, interacting with the world, and gaining enjoyment from doing so, then you're fine. Macros that enrich your interactions without replacing them, that embellish your play without playing for you, are 'good scripting'.
If you're not there to notice what's happening, not playing the game on a minute-to-minute basis, that's 'bad scripting'.
Naturally there are still borderline cases. If your character is on a keep-awake macro in town while you sit at your desk, glancing up at the game every couple of minutes, that's not ideal, but it's pretty much okay by me. If you run the same macro while you go out to dinner, that's bad. If your 'keep-awake macro' includes killing rats or healing people automatically, that's also bad.
A script that fires off a response automatically when someone does something rather than you hitting a key to fire off the script is frowned upon. One is closer to helping you play, the other closer to playing for you.
Scripts Not Allowed
- Looping Auto-hunt macros: Those that move a character in a direction random or not the loop.
- Looping Auto-heal macros: Those that allow another player to request for you to heal themselves or anyone else by moving to touch them or using a caduceus on them.
Grey Area Macros
- Keep Connection Alive Scripts: Those that keep you connected to the server for any length of time in order bypass the auto-disconnect script. The longer they keep you connected, the worse they are and more attention you'll attract. Often this is the wrong kind of attention.
- Looping Auto-reply macros: macro's that respond using any text bubble, pose, thank, curse, share, befriend, record automatically in response to any action scanned out of the event text log (using the @env.textLog command).
- Spamming Macros: Macros that, when triggered, quickly fill up lines in the text log faster than most people could reasonably read, ones that appear to make the text animate [i.e. ':)' ';)' ':)'] or that repeat the same sentence over and over. (Use 'pause' with the number of frames to wait before continuing to speak and experiment with the time delay in a private place so you don't annoy other players.) [There are 4 frames per second]
Encouraged Scripts
Scripts that reduce typing and errors that are triggered with a key command or typed phrase, activate one time, then terminate gracefully.
Violation of the Macro Policy
Violations of these guidelines can result in arbitrary and extreme punishment based on the Game Master's mood.

The Script known as 'Algernon' is the exception to these rules because we think he's cute and cuddly.
©Copyright 2000, [Delta Tao Software].
They are still not entirely sure about Stora.