Red scarf girl: a memoir of the cultural revolution by Jiang, Ji-li. Publication date 2004 Topics Jiang, Ji-li, China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976. All 62 characters in Red Scarf Girl are listed by chapter with character descriptions included.
- The Red Scarf Girl is author Ji-li Jiang's memoir of her experiences during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution was a socio-political movement which took place from 1966 to.
- Red Scarf Girl, by Ji-li Jiang is the fascinating story of Ji-li and her family's experiences during the Cultural Revolution in China. The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 when Ji-li is twelve. Up until that time she is very happy with life in China. She is a good student who is admired by her.
Online Copy Of Red Scarf Girl
Fear is one of the themes of the book. The period of the Cultural Revolution was a time of fear, confusion, and violence in which the rules and traditions of the Chinese society break down. Teenagers and college students roam the streets and accost people if they think they are dressed wrong. The Red Guards conduct searches of people's homes, as they do the Jiangs. They live in fear of the searches and Grandma and the children sit in the park all day long. The family has a signaling system with a map to indicate whether or not it is safe to come home. Ji-li and her family spend the better part of two years living in fear, especially once her father is detained. He has to attend late night meetings at the theater where he is criticized, ridiculed and pressured to confess. The family always feared that...