Garmin unveiled the second generation of the Venu smartwatch, which was its first with an AMOLED display. The new models come in two sizes, the Garmin Venu 2 measures 45mm in diameter and packs a 1.3” display, the Venu 2S is 40mm with a 1.1” display. They have 416 x 416 px or 360 x 360 px resolution, respectively, and an optional Always On Mode.
The displays are protected by Gorilla Glass 3, the bezel around the glass is stainless steel and the body of the watch is fiber-reinforced polymer. As before, the Venu watches are rated at 5 ATM water resistance (pool swimming is supported).
The big upgrade this generation is the battery – it’s double what the old models could achieve. The 45mm version can last up to 11 days in smartwatch mode, the 40mm one can go on for 10 days. The original was available in a single 43mm size and could only manage 5 days on a single charge.
2 days ago Garmin continues to improve its GPS watch lineup and improves its AMOLED display watch with several new health and wellness features. The Garmin Venu.
A key selling point of the Venu line is the GPS tracking and the endurance of that has gone up as well – up to 8/7 hours on the Venu 2, up from 6 hours on the original model (and that’s with music playing). Charging is fast too, 10 minutes add 1 day of smartphone mode or 1 hour of GPS tracking.
- 2 days ago The attractive Garmin Venu 2 smartwatch offers a large collection of advanced health and fitness features, plus useful lifestyle tools including mobile payments, onboard music storage,.
- 2 days ago The Garmin Venu 2 series adds a slate of features, some of which have been seen on other Garmin watches over the last year or two (like widget glances), but some of which are entirely new. For example, this is the first watch with Garmin’s new Elevate V4 optical heart rate sensor package, and it’s the first watch with Connect IQ 4.0.
File list export 2 0 download free. Note that besides GPS, GLONASS and Galileo are also supported, there’s a compass on board as well as a barometric altimeter. Also, Venu 2 duo is the first with the new Elevate V4 optical heart rate sensor.
A major new exercise mode is High Intensity Interval Training (aka HIIT). This includes support for TABATA, AMOM, AMRAP and variations – you can read more about those here. Hiking, indoor climbing and bouldering are also new.
Sleep score • Health Snapshot • Hydration • HIITOther upgrades of note are the more advanced sleep tracker that calculates a sleeping score based on heart rate, respiration, blood oxygen and stress. Light, deep and REM stages are still tracked. The new Health Snapshot records a 2-minute session to give you an instant reading of your health status, including things like heart rate variability.
Features carried over from the original are 24/7 heart rate and respiration rate tracking, blood-oxygen saturation monitoring, stress tracking, plus hydration and women’s health features.
Quick release straps (22 mm and 18 mm) • Downloadable watchfaces, apps and more
As for smartwatch features, you will get text messages from your phone (Android owners can even reply from the watch), calendar reminders, weather information and more. You can download watch faces, widgets and apps from Connect IQ. Garmin Pay is on board so you can go out without a wallet or even a phone. Remove outlook for mac plugins.
Speaking of, the new watches can store up to 650 songs (up from 500 on the original) from Spotify, Amazon or Deezer. In gigabytes, that’s 7 GB, up from 3 GB (or so). And if you do have your phone with you, there are music controls on the watch.
More storage for songs • Text messaging • Garmin Pay • Customization from Connect IQThe Garmin Venu 2 and Venu 2S are available now, at a price of $400/€400 (yes, both cost the same). You can find them on
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Reader comments
- 3Z5
Garmin Venu Deezer Gps
What conectivity issues do you have? I have Venu with zero issues whatsoever. Maybe you got faulty unit?
- Navdeep
But what's the use of connecting it to bike? You can't look while doing hard workout. For that bike meter is the only option with bigger screen & lot cheaper/ better. Usually we carry phone along bike so it can connect directly to ant+ ..
- simon
- JxG
Have Garmin Venu. after a year of use must say that this is my last Garmin product. so bad connectivity. Samsung watches are so much better that Garmin users who never had Samsung watch can not even imagine what difference can be.
Garmin has upgraded its premium Venu smartwatch for 2021 (via DC Rainmaker and Ars Technica). It now comes in two sizes instead of a single 43mm-sized model. The 45mm Venu 2 houses a 1.3-inch 416 x 416 OLED screen. For smaller wrists (or those who just prefer a less wrist-dominating device), the 40mm Venu 2S has a 1.1-inch 360 x 360 OLED screen. Both watches have an optional always-on mode, and they are available now for $399.99, which is the same price as the original Venu.
Garmin Venu Et Deezer
Other than the differences in case sizes, there isn’t much else distinguishing the Venu 2 lineup visually from the predecessor. They’re slick-looking touchscreen wearables with Gorilla Glass 3-covered touchscreens that feature two buttons. One of the biggest gen-to-gen improvements is its battery performance. The original Venu could last five days in smartwatch mode, but Garmin’s bigger 45mm Venu 2 watch doubles it (and then some) to a claim of 11 days of operation if you’re just using it for getting phone notifications with light usage otherwise. If you’re using its built-in GPS and streaming music from the watch to your headphones via Bluetooth, Garmin predicts up to eight hours of battery life, up from six in the previous model.
Surprisingly, the smaller 40mm Venu 2S also has better battery life than the original, with 10 days of use expected in smartwatch mode or up to seven hours in GPS mode with music. Garmin has a whole page that backs up how it makes predictions on battery life, telling you what to expect depending on the kind of activities you’re doing. Garmin is also touting faster recharging for both models, with 10 minutes of charging giving you up to one day of use in smartwatch mode or an hour of GPS usage with music. Both models can store up to 650 songs from Spotify, Amazon Music, or Deezer, up from 500 in the Venu and the 2020 Venu Sq.
The Venu 2 watches are packed with sensors, featuring a heart rate sensor, GPS (GLONASS and Galileo), a wrist-based pulse ox sensor to measure blood oxygen, a barometric altimeter for altitude, compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, thermometer, and an ambient light sensor. Each watch also features NFC for the Garmin Pay contactless payment feature. These watches work with iOS and Android, but only on Android can you respond to text messages.
In terms of new software features coming to the watches, Garmin’s Sleep Score will give you an aggregate score based on tracking your sleep stages, heart rate, stress, respiration, and your blood oxygen levels. The Venu 2 series can estimate your “Fitness Age” based on your level of activity and can guide you through high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and advanced strength training.
Garmin Venu Sq Music Deezer
Correction: Otis redding children now. We originally quoted a $319.99 price for the Venu 2 and 2S because Garmin’s site listed it at that price in error, according to a spokesperson. We were able to reach the checkout page with this price, but the company confirmed that the retail price of the watch is $399.99.